10 Signs YOU Might Need to See a Periodontist Today - RW Perio

10 Signs YOU Might Need to See a Periodontist Today

1 August 2024

see a periodontist

Find Out Whether You Need to See a Periodontist

Periodontal health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it’s often overlooked until issues become severe. A periodontist is a dental specialist focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of periodontal disease, as well as the placement of dental implants. Maintaining healthy gums is essential not only for a beautiful smile but also for your general health. Here are ten signs that you might need to schedule a visit to a periodontist.

Bleeding Gums

One of the earliest and most common signs of periodontal disease is gum bleeding. Bleeding, especially when brushing or flossing, indicates that your gums are inflamed. This inflammation, known as gingivitis, can progress to more serious periodontal disease if left untreated. If you notice persistent bleeding, it’s time to seek professional help.

Persistent Bad Breath

Chronic bad breath, or halitosis, can be more than just an embarrassing inconvenience. It often stems from bacterial buildup in the mouth, which is a hallmark of periodontal disease. Unlike the temporary bad breath from foods like garlic or onions, persistent bad breath is a sign that bacteria are thriving below the gumline, causing infection and odour. If mouthwash and good oral hygiene aren’t enough to combat bad breath, a periodontist can help diagnose and treat the underlying cause.

Swollen or Red Gums

Healthy gums should be firm and pink. Swollen, red, or tender gums are a clear indication of inflammation, which can be an early sign of periodontal disease. This inflammation is your body’s response to bacterial infection in the gum tissue. If your gums appear puffy or red, especially along the gumline, it’s essential to seek professional evaluation to prevent further damage.

Loose Teeth

Gum disease affects the tissues that support your teeth, including the periodontal ligament and jawbone. As these structures deteriorate, teeth can become loose and may eventually fall out if the disease is not treated. Loose teeth are a serious sign that you need immediate periodontal care. Addressing the issue promptly can save your teeth and prevent further complications.

Receding Gums

Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition can be a sign of advanced periodontal disease. Receding gums can cause sensitivity and increase the risk of cavities and tooth loss. Early signs of gum recession include longer-looking teeth or increased sensitivity. Visiting a periodontist can help identify the cause and prevent progression.

Pain While Chewing

Experiencing pain while chewing can be a signal of periodontal problems. While tooth decay can also cause chewing discomfort, periodontal disease often leads to pain due to inflammation, infection, or damage to the supporting structures of the teeth. Distinguishing between different types of dental pain is crucial, and a periodontist can diagnose and treat the specific cause of your discomfort.

Gum Pocket Formation

Gum pockets are spaces that form between the teeth and gums due to the detachment of the gum tissue from the teeth. These pockets can become deeper over time, trapping food particles and bacteria, which exacerbates the infection. Early detection and treatment of gum pockets are vital to prevent severe periodontal disease. Regular dental check-ups can help identify and manage this condition effectively.

Changes in Bite

Periodontal disease can alter the way your teeth fit together when you bite, chew, or speak. If you notice changes in your bite or the alignment of your teeth, it could be due to shifting caused by bone loss or gum disease. Such changes should not be ignored, as they can lead to more severe dental issues. A periodontist can assess these changes and provide appropriate treatment to stabilise your bite.

Sensitivity to Temperature

Increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages is another sign of gum issues. This sensitivity often results from exposed tooth roots due to receding gums or enamel loss. While sensitivity can also be caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease should be considered if it’s accompanied by other symptoms like gum recession or swelling. Consulting a periodontist can help determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment.

5 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Gums 

Learn effective strategies to keep your gums healthy and prevent periodontal disease.


Recognising the signs of periodontal disease early can prevent severe dental problems and maintain your oral health. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to seek professional advice from a periodontist. Early intervention can save your teeth, improve your gum health, and enhance your overall well-being. Don’t wait until the problem becomes too severe—schedule a consultation with our periodontist today if you notice any of these signs.

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